UCPB List of Pre-owned vehicle as of February 12, 2020 - Auction
UCPB List of Pre-owned vehicle as of February 12, 2020 - Price tag (no bidding)
Pre-owned Cars for Sale
Find a car that suits your budget.
- Sale shall be on an "AS IS WHERE IS" basis.
- Unit and prices are subject to change without prior notice.
- Inadvertent and excusable errors in the vehicle condition and description shall not be deemed as misrepresentation on the part of the Bank.
For inquiries, contact:
- Jayvie S. Canulo (Bulk purchases – 5 or more units)
- Tel. No. (+632) 8464-2638
- Email Address: JSCanulo@eastwestbanker.com
- Ariane Joy Nuyda
- Tel. No.: (+632) 8464-2439
- Email Address: ANuyda@eastwestbanker.com
- Elrick Howard Buenviaje (Bulk purchases – 5 or more units)
- Tel. No.: (+632) 8464-2500 Local 2365
- Email Address: ESBuenviaje@eastwestbanker.com
- Kristine Joy Pampilo (Bulk purchases – 5 or more units)
- Tel. No.: 464-2500 Local 1948
- Email Address: KPPampilo@eastwestbanker.com
Philippineusedcarsforsale is not the owner or the agent of any car company, nor any bank company. All the images herewith are for reference only and not the actual car unit. You are advised to personally visit the car unit on its respective venues
Philippineusedcarsforsale is not the owner or the agent of any car company, nor any bank company. All the images herewith are for reference only and not the actual car unit. You are advised to personally visit the car unit on its respective venues
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